Episode 6: The Community & the Individual: Picnics and Self-Care

Episode 6 looks at ways to care for the community and an individual by way of the stomach, and employing very different means to do so.

First, we discuss the impact of one Montreal restaurant that's business relies heavily upon- but also gives back to- their neighbourhood.

And then we talk to a woman who's Crohn's Disease diagnosis wound up leading her to her dream job and a healthier pattern of self-care.



This week, we'd like to thank Nicole Turcotte, part owner of Montreal's Dinette Triple Crown (www.dinettetriplecrown.com/), for showing Jess around Parc de la Petite-Italie.

Thanks also to Meghan Telpner (www.meghantelpner.com/) for being so candid about her story with us.

Thanks, as ever, to Erik Betlem, Ken Stowar and Sam Petite and CIUT for the use of their recording facilities.

And thanks very much to Chris Foster (www.chrisfoster.ca) for our Foodstuffs logo.
